How do I manually enter my TEST results in the WaterGuru App?
Follow the steps below to enter your test results manually in the WaterGuru App.
- Launch the WaterGuru App
- Note: If you have multiple pools, select the pool from the top upper middle portion of the screen
- After you have selected your pool, scroll down and tap "TEST"
- "Take a lab test" will be displayed
- Select "Enter measured results"
- At the Enter Test Results Manually screen, enter values for each parameter then click "Save and Continue".
- "Your information was successfully saved! The updated chemistry levels will be used in the WaterGuru Advice to help you maintain your pool" will appear.
- Tap OK
- The App will now display the values that were entered with an indication of whether the values are low, very low, high or very high.
- Tap on any of the values to view the Advice that WaterGuru recommends. A graph will be displayed showing the historic values that either YOU have entered manually or that WaterGuru has entered for you when you submitted Water TEST samples for us to analyze.
For any water chemistry parameters that you need to adjust, alerts will appear on the Home Page of the WaterGuru App.
- To clear the alerts, click on any of the Water Chemistry parameters.
- Advice from WaterGuru on how to resolve the issue, i.e. low Phosphates, will appear
- Follow the recommendations that WaterGuru Advice provides you with
- Depending on which water chemistry parameter you are trying to resolve, either perform another manual test and enter in the results or submit another TEST to WaterGuru so we can perform another test.
- If the water chemistry parameter alert is one that is measured by SENSE S2, i.e. CYA, CH, TA, just wait until the next daily scheduled Water Measurement and check the next day's alerts to see if the alert has been resolved.
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