What type of batteries does the WaterGuru SENSE use?
The WaterGuru SENSE uses 4 alkaline "C" cell batteries.
Alkaline C cell batteries are available everywhere, have a long shelf life and provide a constant voltage until the internal cells are used up.
Note: The WaterGuru SENSE ships with 4 C cell alkaline batteries that should last about 4-6 months. These batteries do not have extended battery life as that of Duracell and Energizer alkaline batteries.
When it is time to replace your SENSE batteries, choose Duracell or Energizer alkaline batteries which will provide long battery life with steady constant voltage. Do not use any other brand, i.e. "Green" or "Amazon" batteries which will not provide extended battery life.
As the SENSE battery strength depletes, Alerts will be displayed in the WaterGuru app:
- Replace Batteries Soon. This is an indication that there is 33.3% battery strength left
- Replace Batteries Now. This is an indication that there is 16.7% battery strength left
If your SENSE S2 device batteries are not lasting 6 months, there may be a problem with your device, click here to submit a Support Request and we will respond.
You can also contact us by phone Monday to Friday from 9:00am - 6:00pm PST at 1-844-989-4878. WaterGuru Support can check your device remotely for further troubleshooting.
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