How to connect your WaterGuru SENSE to Google Home and use Google Assistant Voice Commands
You can connect your WaterGuru SENSE to Google Home and use Google Assistant voice commands! After you enable the WaterGuru skill in the Google Assistant app on your smartphone, just say "Okay Google, talk to WaterGuru" and use these commands:
- How is my pool?
- What is the water temperature?
- What is the pool pH?
- What is the pool Chlorine?
- What is the pool flow?
- What is the pool chemistry?
- Is the pool good for a swim?
- How's WaterGuru SENSE?
- Is there enough battery / power left?
Here’s how!
- Before you start, download Google Home from Google Play or the App Store
- Log in to your default Gmail account
- IMPORTANT: Ensure you have Web & App Activity turned on in your Google Account or account linking will fail and an error message will be displayed. Here's how
- Download the latest version of the WaterGuru App from Google Play or the App Store
Set up:
- Log in to your WaterGuru Account on the WaterGuru App
- Tap Settings > Google Home Integration
- At the Google Home Integration screen, tap "Enable & Link"
- The following Google Assistant conversation will appear as a spoken message and in writing:
"Would you like to use WaterGuru with the Google Assistant?"
- Either say "Yes" or tap "Yes"
- You will be re-directed to the WaterGuru account login screen
WaterGuru Login screen - enter the email address and password associated with your WaterGuru account and tap Log in
- If you receive the error "Invalid email or password", try again
Authorization screen - the following message will appear:
- "Please authorize the following WaterGuru information to be shared - "Profile"
- Tap Authorize
"Great, your WaterGuru account is now linked to Google. How can a WaterGuru help you?
- Either say "How's my pool?" or type "How's my pool"
"Would you like to use WaterGuru with the Google Assistant?"
Usage after setup:
- After you have linked your WaterGuru account to Google, follow these instructions:
- Tap Settings > Google Home Integration
- At the Google Home Integration screen, tap "Enable & Link"
- You will hear and see this message:
"Would you like to use WaterGuru with the Google Assistant?"
- Either say "Yes" or tap "Yes"
- "Okay. Here's WaterGuru"
- "How can a WaterGuru help you?
- State any of the above mentioned queries, i.e. "How is my pool?" What is the water temperature?" etc.
- You will see and hear a message regarding the status of your query
"Would you like to use WaterGuru with the Google Assistant?"
- Note: If you have multiple pools, you will hear messages regarding both pools. Each response will be preceded by the pool name, i.e. "In the pool Casa Bonita.....".
- You will hear and see this message:
- Note: To unlink your account you will need to do so in the Security settings of your Google account under Linked accounts.
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