Why does "Outdated" appear next to the values for CYA, Total Alkalinity and Calcium Hardness and other water chemistry parameters in the WaterGuru app?
If 3 months time has elapsed since you did any of the following things, "Outdated" will appear next to the values for CYA, Total Alkalinity and Calcium Hardness and other water chemistry parameters:
- Submitted a Water TEST to WaterGuru to analyze 3 months ago
- Manually entered values from a pool store or your own Pool Test kit or Test Strips 3 months ago
- Changed from using a SENSE S2 C5 cassette to use a SENSE S2 C2 cassette 3 months ago
To resolve seeing "Outdated" you can do any of the following:
- Submit a WaterGuru TEST water sample for WaterGuru to analyze. Once the results have been processed, they will be uploaded to the WaterGuru app.
- Use a Taylor Test kit or similar Test kit to obtain the values and enter them manually into the app
- Take a sample of your pool water to a pool store to obtain the values and enter them manually into the app
- If you switched from a C5 cassette to a C2 cassette, you can switch back to use a C5 cassette
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