Does the WaterGuru App work with Wi-Fi networks with hidden SSIDs - WaterGuru SENSE?
Yes. The WaterGuru app supports connecting to Wi-Fi network SSIDs that are hidden and not broadcasting the SSID.
During initial SENSE setup, when you are at the step where you are asked to select your Wi-Fi network, and the network SSID does not appear because it is hidden, do the following:
- "Scanning for Wi-Fi networks" will appear and a list of Wi-Fi network SSIDs will be displayed
- Scroll down to the bottom of the list and choose "Other"
- Enter the Network name (SSID)
- Enter the Password
- Tap Join
Note: If you incorrectly enter the Network name (SSID) or Password, the error "Connection failed - Connection to WiFi failed, please try again" will appear.
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